Dječija zaštita

Utorak 14 February 2023

Evropa obezbeđuje dostojanstvenu zaštitu milionima iz Ukrajine dok 1 od 50 izbeglica umre ili nestane na mediteranskim rutama

Jedno od 50 dece i odraslih izbeglica koji stižu u Evropu mediteranskim rutama izgube život ili nestanu.

Srijeda 16 November 2022

Izveštaj: Svako drugo dete izbeglica iz Ukrajine je uznemireno i zabrinuto za svoju budućnost

Istraživanje organizacije Save the Children otkriva da 50% dece izbegle iz Ukrajine, mlađe od 16 godina, doživljava anksioznost, a ova brojka se povećava na 78% kada su u pitanju deca starija od 16 godina.

Utorak 18 October 2022

Terms of Reference for ASSESSMENT (Factors affecting poverty among children and their families in BiH) of the Child Protection – ENVISION II (NCE) Project

Save the Children is seeking the Evaluator - consultant or research consulting firm to design and conduct:

Assessment of factors affecting poverty among children and their families in BiH.

Assessment should use methods that generate the highest quality and most credible evidence that corresponds to the questions being asked, taking into consideration time, budget, and other practical considerations.

The main purpose of the consultancy is to identify factors that are affecting poverty among children and their families in BiH and to gather data on the impact of identified factors. Also, the assessment should produce a set of recommendations for future actions on the topics of poverty reduction, specifically targeting vulnerable youth.

Petak 16 September 2022

TOR for consultant to develop training program related to Child participation for partner organizations who lead Drop in Centres and deliver a training based on developed program

The purpose of this consultancy is to 1) develop a training program related to Child participation for partner organizations who lead Drop-in Centres for street-involved children and other children at risk, and 2) deliver a training for partner organizations/DiC professionals, aiming to ensure quality support in creating effective and meaningful models of child participation which will be integrated in DiCs’ regular working methodology. All developed programs and materials have to be in line and consulted with Save the Children’s guidelines and toolkits[3] on child participation.

Utorak 13 September 2022

Istraživanje: Deca koja migriraju u Evropu balkanskom rutom izložena su zastrašujućem nasilju i traumama

Počinioci nasilja su najčešće policija i krijumčari, pokazuje istraživanje sprovedeno sa decom u Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini.
