
Friday 14 August 2020

“The coronavirus crisis struck us severely and the support means a lot to us”

Serbia is one of the European countries hardest hit by the coronavirus epidemic. The aid provided by Save the Children aims to support 400 children from 150 vulnerable families struggling to make ends meet.

Thursday 13 August 2020

Terms of Reference for development of Electronic Case Management Database CDIP Portal (CDIPP), for the needs of Centre for the Development of Inclusive Practices (CDIPs) in Tuzla Canton

The purpose of this assignment is the development of the CDIP Portal (CDIPP). CDIPP is a web-based platform that will allow case management / electronic database to be used by the Centre for the Development of Inclusive Practices (CDIPs) and other users who are using data provided by CDIP centers.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Terms of Reference for Baseline IMPACT EVALUATION, and KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices) STUDY of the USAID/BiH General Education Activity TABLA

Save the Children is seeking the Evaluator - Consulting Firm to design and conduct:

1. Baseline Impact evaluation of the USAID/BiH General Education Activity TABLA
2. Baseline KAP Study

In addition, the research/consulting firm will develop/propose methodology and monitoring tools for selected TABLA Activity’s performance indicators and a context indicator which will also be used in impact evaluation.

The impact evaluation and KAP Study should use methods that generate the highest quality and most credible evidence that corresponds to the questions being asked, taking into consideration time, budget and other practical considerations.

The main purpose of the consultancy is to collect the baseline data for measuring changes that can be attributed to the USAID´s General Education Activity TABLA. The evaluation must comply with the USAID’s evaluation policy.

Monday 3 August 2020

Pridružite nam se u kampanji Povratak u školu – zaštitimo obrazovanje!

U krizi izazvanoj epidemijom koronavirusa, želimo da sva djeca mogu da nesmetano nastave da uče. Pridružite nam se da zajedno pošaljemo važnu poruku!

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Grandma Mejra from Brčko is Putting Eight Kids through School: Online Classes with Three Phones

The Bright 4 All Project has shown that the complex social problem of dropping out of education, caused by material or socio-demographic factors, antisocial behaviours or lack of family motivation, can be solved through comprehensive support. The boys and girls who chose to continue their schooling were not deterred by the emergency situation or by transitioning to online classes. This is proof that establishing a systematic approach leads to good and lasting results.
