
Saturday 18 April 2020

Schools and faculties team up to fight COVID-19 outbreak

While the classrooms are empty because of the COVID-19 threat, professors and teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) teamed up to provide help to the first responders...

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Refugee children continuing their education despite covid-19 outbreak

“I’m glad that we have this school in the camp,” says 10-years-old Sawa* from Iraq, “I have learned many new things. I wish I could go to the ‘big’ school again, but I know that because of the epidemic we shouldn’t go out.”

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Online teaching for all: How to make our online classrooms more inclusive?

It is important that, even in the times of crisis, we do not forget to make teaching an inclusive process as much as possible and adapt it to the needs of all students...

Tuesday 24 March 2020

How to preserve the mental health of parents in a situation of isolation?

"Taking care of children, especially in extraordinary circumstances, is a very challenging task and it is necessary for parents to agree and plan together..."

Saturday 21 March 2020

Down Syndrome Day: Coronavirus affects disabled people hardest

In several countries and on global level, persons with disabilities have spoken out that government information is not being shared in accessible formats or that measures are not made to compensate for reduction in support services...
