
Thursday 19 March 2020

PARENTING IN THE TIME OF CORONA: Children must be safe on the internet as well

At the time when schools are closed because of the threat of the corona virus, classes, for most children, are held online. This is one of the great opportunities that the Internet provides - information and knowledge for everyone, wherever they are.

Friday 6 March 2020

“I said it's was illegal to beat families and children”

“A border guard raised his stick to beat us. I yelled saying that it was illegal to beat families and children. He stopped and turned away”, Ferhana*, 13-years-old refugee girl, tells about how she stood up for her family during an irregular push back

Thursday 27 February 2020

Mid-term and Final External Evaluation of the project Inclusive4All

The midterm evaluations are forward-looking and will capture effectively lessons learnt and provide information on the nature, extent and where possible, the potential impact and sustainability of the project...

Thursday 27 February 2020

Teachers shaping the education reform in BiH

The success of any reform is conditioned by how stimulating it will be to the people who are part of that system. The engaged individuals from the profession are crucial in identifying real obstacles and finding more effective solutions...

Thursday 27 February 2020

Poziv na zaštitu izbeglica i migranata izloženih pretnjama i nasilju

Sa sedam nevladinih organizacija sa kojima sarađujemo u pružanju pomoći izbeglicama u Srbiji obratili smo se javnosti povodom zstrašivanja i nasilja u kojima učestvuju pojedinci, neformalne grupe i mediji, a čija su meta izbeglice i migranti.
