
Thursday 17 May 2018

Protecting people across borders

Protecting borders should not come at the expense of protecting people. Ahead of the Western Balkan Summit we call on Heads of States in the EU and in the Western Balkans to address the following concerns and recommendations...

Friday 11 May 2018

KNOWLEDGE BEFORE ALL - Through educational reform to meaningful learning

ENABLE-BiH aims to contribute to BiH students acquiring key competences necessary for participation in the knowledge-based economy, and becoming drivers of the economic development...

Tuesday 24 April 2018

School dropout - a problem in need of a systemic solution

The absence of parental support, the shortage of material resources, frequent moving house and the need to work to sustain themselves, including the lack of interest in education are among the main reasons for school dropout identified by children...

Thursday 12 April 2018

International Day for Street Children: A street is not a home

Every day, thousands of children in the region are forced to beg and live in deprivation. An even higher number of children are at the risk of becoming street-involved...

Friday 23 March 2018


“I used to think, I didn’t finish school, why would my children have to?” says Ifet*, father of 9 year-old Muamera* and 7 year-old Muamer*. Today, he stands for his children’s education.
