
Thursday 27 February 2020

Teachers shaping the education reform in BiH

The success of any reform is conditioned by how stimulating it will be to the people who are part of that system. The engaged individuals from the profession are crucial in identifying real obstacles and finding more effective solutions...

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Consultant to develop training for Local Media in Tuzla Canton for the project Inclusive4All: Inclusive education for all children in BiH

Terms of Reference for a consultant to develop training session for Local Media in Tuzla Canton, for the project Inclusive4All: Inclusive education for all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project name: Inclusive4All- Inclusive education for all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Donor: Italian Agency for cooperation and development (AICS)

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Study visit: Learning from best practices of inclusive education in BiH

Centres development of inclusive practices are set up on the basis of the expressed need to innovate and re-organise system support to children and youth with disabilities...

Thursday 14 November 2019

Jobs of the future are in Bosnia and Herzegovina

“This should be a positive example that we should not leave BiH, that we can stay here and change something and invest in progress, technology, in all that is innovative, and thus build a path for ourselves here, develop ourselves..."

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Kroz jačanje socijalnog uključivanja do kvalitetnijeg obrazovanja

“Kroz projekat se radilo na unaprjeđenju politike, prakse i kulture na nivou predškolskog, osnovnog i srednjeg obrazovanja u BiH, Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Obuhvatio je više od 300.000 djece, 5.000 profesionalaca..."
