
Wednesday 3 July 2024

TOR:  Activity Manual Development Consultant

The purpose and goal of the engagement is to lead the development of a violence prevention activity manual, in close cooperation with the four Ministries, SCNWB and the Federal Ministry of Education. The consultant will develop a tailor-made activity manual that can be used in conjunction with the official curriculum through the insertion of complementary activities that focus on building skills that prevent violence against and between children through the positive discipline approach. The activity manual will be piloted in the scope of the project and, following evaluations, the consultant will be responsible for utilizing insights to make any necessary adjustments. Once finalized, SCNWB will advocate to the relevant Ministries to scale to all schools under their jurisdiction. Following the finalization of the manual, the consultant will deliver a two-day training to teachers in the 17 schools, to build their capacity on how to use the manual in their classrooms, including replication, evaluation, and reporting on results.

Thursday 2 November 2023


School Safety Context Analysis (SSCA) is intended to be used as a factual starting point for programmatic interventions, providing a baseline to identify existing gaps and define institutional policies, action plans, or protocols that require development or strengthening in the domain of the protection of children from violence and other hazards in and around schools, thereby helping SCNWB to establish specific project targets and identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
SSCA will serve as a base for the implementation of the project THRIVE - Targeting Hazards and Reducing Incidents of Violence in Education, through which SCNWB intends to advocate and support the education system to effectively improve safety and promote the prevention of violence and other hazards in and around schools.

Monday 6 March 2023

TOR for delivering well-being workshops and create School Well-being Plans with SCI partner schools

This comprehensive and highly responsible professional work is likely to cause exposure to multiple stressors over time, it is imperative that Save the Children prioritize well-being as a core focus of everyday life for all implementing partners. A work environment that provides multiple opportunities for employees to access well-being support, when they need it, in a way that works for them, not only results in a happier and healthier work environment for all, it also means a more productive work environment, and better results for children and their families.
The purpose of this Program component will be providing continuous support to schools in create and implementing School Well-being Plan for staff in their own professional environment.
This individual will be responsible for organizing well-being sessions for school professionals and strengthen their capacities to develop their own School Well-being Plan promote staff well-being, based on SCUS Well-being for Staff Guidance Note and Self-care Manual for parents and children developed by SCiNWB.

Thursday 21 April 2022

TOR for agency, company or organization to implement a communication and advocacy campaign in BiH and Serbia aimed at raising public awareness related to improvement of the access to and quality of inclusive education during Covid-19 pandemic

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks an agency/company/organisation (from now on: the Agency) to plan and implement an informative awareness raising campaign focused on Una Sana Canton and Bosnia Podrinje Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Belgrade, Serbia; with the goal to bring to public attention the importance of access to quality inclusive education for vulnerable groups of children in general, and particularly in the context of still ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Thursday 21 April 2022

TOR for agency, company or organization to implement a communication and advocacy campaign in BiH and Serbia aimed at raising public awareness related to improvement of the access to and quality of inclusive education during Covid-19 pandemic

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks an agency/company/organisation (from now on: the Agency) to plan and implement an informative awareness raising campaign focused on Una Sana Canton and Bosnia Podrinje Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Belgrade, Serbia; with the goal to bring to public attention the importance of access to quality inclusive education for vulnerable groups of children in general, and particularly in the context of still ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
