
Tuesday 8 April 2014

LYRA – Young Roma in Action

As a society, we are still facing challenges of registration of Roma children, ensuring that, when they are included in the education system, they achieve appropriate academic results and complete their education, access to health care and social services...

Thursday 27 March 2014

Special report: The Role of Social Welfare Centres in the Protection of Children

Special Report is the result of research conducted during 2013 in order to get a more realistic picture and examine conditions of work of the social welfare centres...

Friday 7 March 2014

Save the Children film on Syria viewed more than ten million times on YouTube in less than 48 hours

A powerful 93 second short film depicting a year in the life of a young girl whose comfortable life is shattered by war has gone viral on YouTube being viewed over 10 million times...

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Millions of women give birth without healthcare – Save the Children

In the past years in Bosnia and Herzegovina we heard horrific stories of pregnant women being denied medical assistance for not having medical insurance...

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Surf s@fely – Marking Safer Internet Day 2014

As a part of marking the Safer Internet Day, Save the Children in North West Balkan publishes an infographic warning that the issue of children’s safety on the internet is being underestimated in BiH, and documentary movie “Surf s@fely”...
