Poziv za dostavljanje ponuda / Tender Notice

Friday 1 April 2022



Save the Children vjeruje da svako dijete zaslužuje budućnost. U zemljama sjeverozapadnog Balkana radimo svaki dan kako bismo za djecu osigurali zdrav početak života, priliku za učenje i zaštitu od nasilja. Dajemo sve od sebe za djecu – svaki dan i u vrijeme kriza – transformišući njihove živote i budućnost koja je pred nama.

Za potrebe provođenja programa, Save the Children International za sjeverozapadni Balkan Vas poziva da dostavite svoju ponudu s ciljem sklapanja okvirnog sporazuma za plaćanje gotovinskim transferom u ime SCI NWB.

Tenderska dokumentacija sa općim uputama dostupna je za izdavanje zainteresovanim dobavljačima putem e-maila Procurement.NWB@savethechildren.org.

Ponude moraju biti dostavljene na adresu: Save the Children International NWB, Ljubljanska 16, 71000 Sarajevo najkasnije do 21. aprila 2022. godine (četvrtak) do 14:30 sati.

Save the Children Intrenational NWB zadržava pravo da prihvati ili odbije bilo koju ponudu i da poništi proces odabira i odbije sve ponude u bilo koje vrijeme prije dodjele ugovora, a fa time ne snosi bilo kakvu odgovornost prema pružaocima usluga.




Save the Children believes that every child deserves a future. In the countries of the North-West Balkans, we work every day to ensure a healthy start for children, an opportunity to learn and protection from violence. We are doing our best for children - every day and in times of crisis - transforming their lives and the future ahead.

For the purposes of the program, Save the Children International for the Northwest Balkans invites you to submit your bid with a view to concluding a framework agreement for cash transfer payments on behalf of SCI NWB.

Tender documentation with general instructions is available for issuance to interested suppliers via e-mail Procurement.NWB@savethechildren.org.

Bids must be submitted to the address: Save the Children International NWB, Ljubljanska 16, 71000 Sarajevo no later than April 21, 2022 (Thursday) by 14:30.

Save the Children International NWB reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to cancel the selection process and reject all bids at any time prior to the award of the contract, and thus does not bear any responsibility towards the service providers.