TOR for agency, company or organization to implement a communication and advocacy campaign in BiH and Serbia aimed at raising public awareness related to improvement of the access to and quality of inclusive education during Covid-19 pandemic

Četvrtak 21 April 2022

“Terms of Reference for agency, company or organization to implement a communication and advocacy campaign in BiH and Serbia aimed at raising public awareness related to  improvement of the access to and quality of inclusive education during Covid-19 pandemic for vulnerable children in NWB”


Project name

Improving the access to and quality of inclusive education during Covid-19 pandemic for vulnerable children in NWB


Save the Children Italy

Geographical focus

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia

Project locations

Una Sana Canton and Bosnia Podrinje Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and  Belgrade in Serbia

Project Duration

January 1, 2021  –  December 31, 2022

Communication Campaign Duration

May 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022

Lead Applicant

Save the Children


1.     Introduction

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the North-West Balkans and around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children’s unique needs are met, and their voices are heard.  We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.

Save the Children (SC) is the world’s leading independent organization for children. SC vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. SC mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

In the North West Balkans Region, SC strives to improve child rights situation in general and especially in the areas of education, child rights governance, protection of children from all forms of violence and emergencies. In all of the mentioned areas SC aims at providing professional and financial support to partners.

Since 2000, SC in the North West Balkans has programming in the Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and it supports implementation of regional initiatives in the region of South East Europe.

Save the Children in North West Balkans (SCiNWB), based in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) conducts its activities in three countries: BiH, Serbia and Montenegro and supports realization of regional initiatives in the area of South East Europe.        


2.     Background and Rationale

Through the proposed intervention Save the Children NWB aims to work on some of the most burning needs and gaps identified in the provision of quality and inclusive online education in the context of Covid-19 pandemic in BiH and Serbia. Most notably, Save the Children NWB will tackle the issue of monitoring and preventing school drop-out by strengthening local multi-sector protocols and referral mechanisms in three project locations – Una Sana Canton and Bosnia Podrinje Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Belgrade, Serbia. Save the Children will also work with selected schools in these locations (3 schools per location) to assess their gaps in terms of ensuring quality, inclusive and safe education in the context of the pandemic.  Save the Children NWB will equip the schools with necessary items ensuring access and protection, and build the capacities of teachers to work in digital environment and support the most vulnerable children and families through the education process. Save the Children NWB will also target parents and build their capacities to provide quality support to their children’s education. Finally, through advocacy and communications work, the general public and relevant decision-makers will be targeted to raise the awareness about the issues faced by vulnerable children and families in the “new normal” imposed by the pandemic, and to lobby for greater prioritization and investment in the quality and inclusiveness of the education process.

3.     Objective

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks an agency/company/organisation (from now on: the Agency) to plan and implement an informative awareness raising campaign focused on Una Sana Canton and Bosnia Podrinje Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Belgrade, Serbia; with the goal to bring to public attention the importance of access to quality inclusive education for vulnerable groups of children in general, and particularly in the context of still ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Engagement involves the development of a communication campaign implementation strategy and plan, as well as the actual implementation of the campaign, based on the following inputs:

•        The overall aim of the campaign is to raise public awareness of the importance of education for all children including vulnerable groups in general, and in particular during the Pandemic of COVID 19, with specific focus on the quality and inclusiveness of the teaching process and the wellbeing of children, teachers and parents in the extraordinary circumstances caused by the pandemic.

•        Specififc goal of the campaign is to empower children to speak out on the issues of quality inclusive education and target the general public and relevant decision-makers to raise the awareness about the issues faced by vulnerable children and families. As part of this goal, SC will work with selected mentors from project schools with the purpose to engage children in designing and implementing their own mini campaigns in local communities. This activity will be designed and implemented by SC.

•        The main target groups of the campaign are primary school teachers, primary school children and their parents, relevant local decision-makers and general public.

•        The development and the implementation of the campaign are expected to be completed between May and December 2022 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.


4.     Expected outputs 

•        Developed campaign implementation strategy and plan - including clear segmentation of target groups, development of specific messages for all segmented groups, development of campaign slogans and visuals, communication channels and communication products that contribute to campaign goals, and plan for mobilisation of target groups and the general public.

•        Developed visual identity and messages of the campaign and applied to promo material in three language versions (Infographics – in Bosnian-Latin, Serbian-Cyrillic, and English language).

•        Production of one master campaign video from which 3 location-specific videos will also be produced. Videos should be produced with the children's active participation and in three language versions with subtitles in  Bosnian, Serbian, and English language.

•        Production of the final campaign video to document the above-mentioned child led campaigns (including video clips, photographs from children’s campaigns etc) from 3 locations (2 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1 in Serbia) in three language versions (Bosnian, Serbian,  and English language).

•        Distribution and placement of produced infographics and videos through social media, including boosting and mobilising social network users for a wider distribution of produced materials.

•        Preparation of 3 PR articles (1 in each of three target locations – 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina and 1 Serbia)

•        Documenting (video, photo) of child-led mini campaigns in 3 locations (multiple visits to Una-Sana Canton, Bosnia-Podrinje Canton, and Belgrade, max 9 visits)

•        Follow-up and reporting on campaign implementation and overall reach.  Final campaign report should be prepared in the English language and should include links to all materials produced within the campaign, as well as to all articles, interviews, media appearances and other campaign content published in the media.  The final report should also include details of the total reach of the campaign in both countries.


5.  Timeframe and methodology

In order to complete the above-specified tasks, the consultant will be engaged from May 16, to December 31st 2022. The consultant will develop and implement the work plan in consultations and with the support of SCINWB designated staff, in line with the proposed timeframe below.




Develop strategy and implementation plan for the geographic areas in which it will be implemented (Bosnia and Herzegovina; Serbia in B / H / S language)

May 2022

Develop visual identity and messages to be used in the media campaign

May – August 2022

Creation and promotion of infographics

May – August 2022

Production of master video and 3 location specific videos

September 2022

Production of final master video

October – December 2022

Integration of children's messages in media campaign

May – December 2022

Writing and distribution of 3 PR articles (1 in each of three target locations – Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia)

September – October 30, 2022

Producing and promotion of final video (Bosnian, Serbian cyrillic and English) containing segments of child led mini campaigns through social and local media (tv, radio, web sites etc)


October  – December 30, 2021

Promotion of produced materials through social networks (boosting) and mobilization of social network users for a wider distribution.

September – December 2022

Monitor and report on campaign implementation and overall reach

December 2022

All of these activities imply mandatory participation of children, parents, and/or teachers

*Timeframe can be changed in consultations with SCINWB.

 The engaged agency will be tasked with developing a detailed campaign plan and implementing agreed activities, in collaboration with SCiNWB. The methodology should include an innovative approach to the topic being addressed, using modern communication channels (including social media).

   6. Funding and logistical support and organisations

Funding will be provided by Save the Children in North West Balkans. The consulting company/agency/organization is responsible for the organisation of the campaign, production of materials and the fieldwork in Una Sana Canton and Bosnia Podrinje Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Belgrade, Serbia.

The Agency will design and implement the task through consultation and support from relevant SCiNWB staff. Production of all communication materials should be led by the principles of diversity, inclusivity and fair representation.


Responsibilities and duties of consultant:

•        The Agency will be in contact with Save the Children staff throughout the process, regularly updating the process and seeking information and guidance when needed.

•        The Agency is responsible for developing a strategy and plan for campaign implementation in BiH and Serbia.

•        The Agency will draft a strategy and develop the visual identity of the campaign, and forward it to Save the Children promptly for possible comments and suggestions.

•        The Agency will include feedback received from Save the Children in the final version of the said document, where appropriate.

•        The Agency will develop products covered by the Campaign Implementation Plan, including audio/video/multimedia materials.

•        The Agency will develop a plan to involve key stakeholders in the campaign and the products that can be offered to participate in the campaign.

•        The Agency will abide by the timing of the agreed consultancy work.

•        Upon completion of the assignment, the Agency will be required to present achievements in terms of reach and coverage of the Save the Children campaign and other relevant actors.

•        The Agency will ensure the ethical participation of children in accordance with the Save the Children policy on safeguarding child safety.


The Agency will produce a final report about all activities implemented and outputs developed in local and English language.


    7.Qualifications and Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required  

Minimum expertise and skills an Agency must possess:

•        At least five years of domestic and / or regional experience in implementing similar tasks, with experience in communicating/conducting campaigns aimed at children and/or parents;

•        Years of proven experience in designing and implementing awareness-raising campaigns and public campaigns, focusing on PR and social networks;

•        Knowledge and experience of working in the field of education and/or inclusion will be considered an advantage;

•        Expressed a creative and innovative approach and ability to find cost-effective alternative methods of communication and message transmission;


8. Budget

The Agency should indicate the amounts of fees and costs of the services it expects in the engagement, with currency, in the document "Bidding Response", and complete the form "SC-PR-10 - Request for Quotation". All budget items should be clearly described, explaining how they fit into the proposed methodology and work plan. It is mandatory to indicate the names of budget items as well as specific budget lines within the proposed budget.

Save the Children will particularly appreciate the potential pro-bono contribution of the applicant to maximise the effects of the campaign, as well as its visibility, which we will be happy to announce through the campaign.


Note* Companies/Organisations/Agencies should take into account travel, food and accommodations, and all other expenses related to their tasks as they will not be reimbursed.


9. Formal Expression of Interest for Consultancy

The interestedconsultantshoulddevelopandsubmitthefinancialproposaltorespondto the above mentionedspecifictasks.Theproposalshouldinclude:

1.      Submission of the Bidders response document with a specified budget breakdown and technical proposal (Annex 1) ;

2.      Letter of interest with confirmation of the availability for the proposed dates and work dynamics;

3.      Biography of each team member listing relevant experience in SCI template (Annex 2);

4.      Conceptual concept of the campaign;

5.      Reference list and at least two examples of previously designed and implemented campaigns.


Interested applicants should submit their proposals to no later than May 4, 2022. Only the shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Please find documentation for application:

Particular requirement: no person is performing any task on behalf of Save the Children may, in any way, be involved in or connected with abuse or exploitation of children.