Infographic about education in BiH: Inclusive schools in inclusive communities

Friday 13 November 2015

Project Inclusive Schools in Inclusive Communities was initiated in 2013 by the Save the Children, in cooperation with Ministry of Education and Science and Pedagogic Institute of Tuzla Canton.

Purpose of the project was to introduce schools, local communities, parents/care-givers and education institutions to the importance and ways of application of the Index for Inclusion methodology.

All 85 primary schools from all 12 municipalities of Tuzla Canton (Banovici, Doboj-Istok, Gradacac, Gracanica, Kladanj, Kalesija, Celić, Lukavac, Srebrenik, Teocak, Sapna, Zivinice) i City of Tuzla were included in the project.

Two years later, project Inclusive Schools in Inclusive Communities can show off with positive results. Concrete progress was made and awareness raised in all schools among students, teachers, parents and within local community about significance of inclusive education.

Each school also developed and implemented small project aimed at promotion of inclusive values. On average, project budgets amounted around 1,800 BAM, with 85 participating schools.

See the Infographic to learn more about education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Tuzla Canton.