
Thursday 9 February 2023


Potresni prizori djece spašene u ruševinama svakodnevno pristižu iz Turske i Sirije nakon razornih zemljotresa koji su pogodili obje zemlje. Save the Children koji na terenu pruža pomoć djeci pogođenoj posljedicama zemljotresa, podsjeća da se utrka s vremenom nastavlja i da je neophodno pravovremeno obezbijediti sklonište, medicinsku njegu, vodu i hranu u najteže zahvaćenim područjima. Broj poginulih u zemljotresima premašio je 11.000 s više hiljada povrijeđenih, ali broj žrtava, nažalost nije konačan. Prva 72 sata smatraju se ključnim za spašavanje preživjelih, a naročito djece s obzirom na vremenske uslove i izrazito niske temperature.
Procjenjuje se da su zemljotresi pogodili približno 23 miliona ljudi, među kojima i mnogo djece. Preživjelima u Turskoj i Siriji hitno je potrebna humanitarna pomoć u vodi i hrani, skloništima, zimskoj odjeći i dekama

Thursday 2 February 2023

TOR for individual, agency, or organization to produce Guidelines for education workers (school and preschool teachers and educators) for curricular/extracurricular activities related to climate change, waste management, and disaster risk r

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks an individual/agency/company/organization, to produce and deliver Guidelines for education workers (school and preschool teachers and educators) for curricular/extracurricular activities related to the issues of climate change, waste management, and disaster risk reduction.
This document is envisaged as a tool for all educators (in preschools, primary and secondary schools, as well as for all formal and non-formal educators within different NGOs and other organizations) to support them in obtaining needed knowledge, tools, and examples of good practices and other suggestions for working with children in preparing, organizing and facilitating specific workshops as to the abovementioned topics as well as to organize campaigns in local schools, focused on raising awareness in communities on the importance of tackling climate change and recognizing its negative impact, with a specific focus on waste cycle management, air pollution monitoring, and disaster risk reduction.

Thursday 1 December 2022

Like a bridge across cultures: The work of cultural mediators in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tehsin is cultural mediator for Urdu language and shares his experience working with children on the move in Una-Sana Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Wednesday 16 November 2022

Report: One in two refugee children from Ukraine are anxious and worried about their future

Save the Children research finds 50% of children aged under 16 now experience anxiety, this figure increases to 78% for children over 16 years old.

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Terms of Reference for ASSESSMENT (Factors affecting poverty among children and their families in BiH) of the Child Protection – ENVISION II (NCE) Project

Save the Children is seeking the Evaluator - consultant or research consulting firm to design and conduct:

Assessment of factors affecting poverty among children and their families in BiH.

Assessment should use methods that generate the highest quality and most credible evidence that corresponds to the questions being asked, taking into consideration time, budget, and other practical considerations.

The main purpose of the consultancy is to identify factors that are affecting poverty among children and their families in BiH and to gather data on the impact of identified factors. Also, the assessment should produce a set of recommendations for future actions on the topics of poverty reduction, specifically targeting vulnerable youth.
