
Petak 16 April 2021

Terms of Reference for Agency, Company or Organization to conduct communication strategy/campaign highlighting TABLA Project results

Save the Children in North West Balkans is seeking an Agency/Company/Organization to plan and implement communication strategy/ public information campaign on results achieved through the implementation of the project General Education Activity – TABLA.TABLA aims to align pre-service curricula with CCC, and integrate 4Cs and PPDM into pre-service training. TABLA will institutionalize and incentivize professional development to support teachers’ career-long learning and build peer mentorship mechanisms into both pre- and in-service training. The project will design a STEM education package and certification, and work with ministries of education (MoEs) and pedagogical institutes to increase their efficiency and accountability. Educational policymakers and school leadership will be incentivized to support reforms by equipping schools with STEM labs.
All of these efforts yield models of good practice that need to be promoted as the path towards improving education in BiH. At the same time, relevant target groups need to better understand the need for educational reforms in order to be empowered to demand more vigorous action from relevant authorities.

Četvrtak 8 April 2021

Terms of Reference for agency, company or organization to implement a communication campaign in BiH and Serbia aimed at raising public awareness related to improvement of the access to and quality of inclusive education during Covid-19

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks an agency/company/organization to plan and implement an informative awareness raising campaign focused on Una Sana Canton and Bosnia Podrinje Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Belgrade, Serbia; with the goal to bring to public attention the importance of access to quality inclusive education for vulnerable groups of children in the context of online teaching in targeted primary schools.

Četvrtak 25 March 2021

Terms of Reference for Agency, Company or Organization to conduct communication strategy/campaign highlighting TABLA Project results

Save the Children in North West Balkans is seeking an Agency/Company/Organization to plan and implement communication strategy/ public information campaign on results achieved through the implementation of the project General Education Activity – TABLA.
TABLA aims to align pre-service curricula with CCC, and integrate 4Cs and PPDM into pre-service training. TABLA will institutionalize and incentivize professional development to support teachers’ career-long learning and build peer mentorship mechanisms into both pre- and in-service training. The project will design a STEM education package and certification, and work with ministries of education (MoEs) and pedagogical institutes to increase their efficiency and accountability. Educational policymakers and school leadership will be incentivized to support reforms by equipping schools with STEM labs.

Utorak 16 February 2021

Apel za povratak sve djece u škole

Vratimo svu djecu u škole!
Grupa organizacija za zaštitu prava djece u BiH, koju čine Save the Children, Hope and Homes for Children, World Vision International, SOS Dječija sela Bosna i Hercegovina i Mreža NVO u BiH ‘Snažniji glas za djecu’, poziva Ministarstvo za odgoj i obrazovanje Kantona Sarajevo, kao i nadležne krizne štabove, da razmotre otvaranje obrazovnih institucija u punom kapacitetu, uz puno poštivanje svih epidemioloških mjera i školskih protokola.

Petak 5 February 2021

Kroz bolje obrazovanje budućih nastavnika do boljih ishoda učenja za djecu

Projektna cjelina 1 u sklopu Projekta općeg obrazovanja – TABLA, koji podržava Američka agencija za međunarodni razvoj (USAID) i provodi Save the Children, bavi se inicijalnim obrazovanjem nastavnika u dva kantona FBiH, Sarajevskom i Hercegovačko-neretvanskom, kao i u Republici Srpskoj. Na četvrtom sastanku radne grupe za Projektnu cjelinu 1 predstavljeni su finalni rezultati rada ekspertske grupe te dokumenti koji će u toku februara 2021. biti finalizirani i predloženi ministarstvima obrazovanja, koja su još početkom projekta izrazila podršku projektnim ciljevima i aktivnostima. Ekspertnu grupu projekta TABLA ispred partnerske organizacije, Fondacija “Obrazovanje u akciji”, predvodi prof. dr. Lamija Tanović s kojom smo razgovarali o rezultatima u prvoj godini rada projekta:
