Smanjenje rizika od karastrofa
Četvrtak 2 February 2023
Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks an individual/agency/company/organization, to produce and deliver Guidelines for education workers (school and preschool teachers and educators) for curricular/extracurricular activities related to the issues of climate change, waste management, and disaster risk reduction.
This document is envisaged as a tool for all educators (in preschools, primary and secondary schools, as well as for all formal and non-formal educators within different NGOs and other organizations) to support them in obtaining needed knowledge, tools, and examples of good practices and other suggestions for working with children in preparing, organizing and facilitating specific workshops as to the abovementioned topics as well as to organize campaigns in local schools, focused on raising awareness in communities on the importance of tackling climate change and recognizing its negative impact, with a specific focus on waste cycle management, air pollution monitoring, and disaster risk reduction.
Četvrtak 13 October 2022
Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks an individual/agency/company/organization, to deliver capacity building training for school teachers on climate change, waste management, air pollution and facilitation and organization of workshops for school children, to provide mentoring and support to teachers in organizing and delivering specific workshops on the abovementioned topics and to provide support for teachers / children / school councils to plan and to organize child led informative awareness raising campaign focused on contributing to raising awareness in communities through local schools on the importance of tackling climate change negative impact, with a specific focus on waste cycle management and air pollution monitoring. Specific objective is to enable two schools in Sarajevo region to adopt virtuous practices in the context of climate change mitigation actions.
Srijeda 14 October 2020
Povodom 13. oktobra, Međunarodnog dana smanjenja rizika od katastrofa, organizacija Save the Children je pokrenula web stranicu
Utorak 21 November 2017
Šta djeca misle kako smanjiti rizik od prirodnih i drugih nesreća u obrazovnim ustanovama? Sve škole moraju imati osnovnu opremu za reagovanje u vanrednim situacijama. U svim učionicama...
Srijeda 24 May 2017
Dim u hodniku, produženo školsko zvono koje je označilo uzbunu od požara, sirene vatrogasnog i ambulantnog vozila te gust dim koji je šikljao iz zapaljenog vozila na rubu dvorišta škole...