A purpose of this consultancy is to create and adapt eLearning course to train child and social protection professionals in programme implementation aiming to ensure quality support to families/caregivers who are direct beneficiaries of the centres for social welfare. The consultancy implies collaboration with protection experts who primarily design, develop, and deliver face to face training programs to ensure that the content developed is suitable for the digital space and online learning environment and is adapted to the contexts of local civil society organizations working in the aid sector in humanitarian contexts. These contexts are often characterized by limited amount of time to dedicate to professional development, low internet bandwidth and extensive use of mobile devices to access the eLearning’s. eLearning’s will also be made available in Bosnian/ Serbian/ Croatian language. The consultant should have demonstrated experience using instructional design (ID) methodologies to develop micro-learning as well as longer-form e-learning courses e-learnings with content staff on child socio-emotional development. Additionally, Consultant is responsible for the multimedia creation e.g.: to film the eLearning course modules with voice over, adapt content created by the Subject matter experts for blended learning (online and offline learning) and design the course for the best use of learners.
The consultant must be able to create content that is purpose-built for multiple modalities, to deliver an experience for our learners that is nearly identical in face to face experience or an e-learning course.