
Wednesday 10 April 2019

Over 1,500 cases of irregular push backs in Western Balkans reported to Save the Children in the first quarter of 2019

In first three months of the year 1,453 refugees and migrants travelling through Western Balkans Route testified about 1,521 cases of irregular push backs at various borders in the region to Save the Children and its partner organization Praxis. Every fourth person who was reportedly returned from the countries along the route without being given an opportunity to seek asylum was a child (352 children).

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Improved conditions for pre-school children in Serbia to learn and play

Save the Children equipped Child Friendly Spaces in all 18 centres for the accommodation of refugees and migrants in Serbia, and donated equipment for 22 groups in 16 pre-school institutions Serbia-wide.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

A boy who wouldn’t play with girls only to find the best friend in a girl

Due to the difficult financial and health situation in his family, Anel did not have an opportunity to attend pre-school programs and develop the skills necessary for school; for this reason, he started school one year later...

Friday 18 January 2019

New life on the Balkans route of hope

Baby Amir* was only 7 days old when we met his mother Zahra* at Bira migrant and refugee camp in Bihac, Una-Sana Canton, in north-west Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Monday 24 December 2018

Hundreds of children report police violence at EU borders

Testimonies gathered by Save the Children, and its partner in Serbia, found more than 1,350 cases of children being pushed back across borders of European Union and countries in the Western Balkans...
