Type | Name | Description | Modified | Size |
| When we are asked, not questioned | Consultations with children on the move | 13/05/2014 | 2MB |
| Praktikum za obuku | sudija, tužilaca, policije, socijalnih radnika i drugih profesionalaca o temi suzbijanja prisilnog i štetnog rada djece na ulici u Bosni i Hercegovini
Ministarstvo za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH, uz podršku Save the Children | 13/05/2014 | 895KB |
| Практикум за обуку | судија, тужилаца, полиције, социјалних радника и других професионалаца о теми сузбијања присилног и штетног рада дјеце на улици у Босни и Херцеговини
Министарство за људска права и избјеглице БиХ уз подршку Save the Children. | 13/05/2014 | 1MB |
| Pravo deteta na kvalitetno staranje | Analiza sprovođenja smernica Ujedinjenih nacija za alternativno staranje o deci u zemljama zapadnog Balkana | 12/09/2014 | 1MB |
| The child’s right to quality care | Review of the implementation of the United Nations Guidelines for the alternative care of children in western Balkan countries | 12/09/2014 | 1MB |
| Immediate humanitarian assistance to flood affected families | Documentation of project “Immediate humanitarian assistance (NFIs, WASH, Child Protection and Education in Emergencies) to flood affected families in Zenica-Doboj Canton” | 27/10/2014 | 1MB |
| Stav mreže ombudsmana za decu jugoistočne Evrope | "Virtuelna realnost - realne mogućnosti, opasnosti i izazovi"
- usvojen na Tematskom sastanku Mreže ombudsmana za decu Jugoistočne Evrope, 05. 12. 2014. godine u Beogradu - Ombudsmani za decu Jugoistočne Evrope izražavaju duboku zabrinutost povodom učestalih pojava zloupotrebe i zlostavljanja dece na internet prostoru.
| 24/12/2014 | 242KB |
| Statement of South-East Europe children's ombudsmen network | "Virtual reality - real possibilities, dangers and challenges"
- Adopted on the Thematic Meeting of Southeast Europe Children's Ombudspersons Network, 05. 12. 2014. in Belgrade - Ombudspersons for children in Southeast Europe express their deep concern over the increasing violence and abuse of children on the internet space. | 24/12/2014 | 237KB |
| The Role of Save the Children in cooperation with NHRIs | Report from the Save the Children’s Child Rights Governance program staff members meeting, held in Sarajevo in November 2014, with aim to discuss experiences in working with National Human Rights Institutions and lessons learnt in this process. | 29/01/2015 | 4MB |
| Child Rights – Turning Concept Into Reality | Report from the Conference on National Human Rights Institutions for Children entitled “Child Rights – Turning concept into reality”, held in Sarajevo on November 3-4. Conference gathered Ombudsmen for children, representatives of Ombudsmen institutions and child rights defenders from Europe, South America, Asia and Africa. | 29/01/2015 | 7MB |