
application/pdfEdukacija u cilju prevencije seksualnog zlostavljanja djeceOvaj edukativni paket, namijenjen stručnjacima koji rade s djecom, sveobuhvatan je alat usmjeren na podizanje svijesti i adresiranje problematike seksualnog zlostavljanja djece. Omogućava vam stjecanje znanja i vještina potrebnih za razgovor o svijesti o vlastitom tijelu, emocijama, granicama i pristanku, s djecom, s ciljem proširenja njihovog razumijevanje i zaštite. Paket uključuje pet modula: "Što znate o seksualnim pravima?", "Ljudsko tijelo", "Emocionalne i komunikacijske vještine", "Granice i pristanak" i "Zaštita djece od seksualnog zlostavljanja", svaki podijeljen u tri jedinice prilagođene određenim starosnim grupama (5-8 i 9-11 godina). Aktivnosti, dizajnirane da stanu u 45-minutni termin u skladu s školskim rasporedom, nude fleksibilnost u redoslijedu implementacije, podržane detaljnim uputama za djelotvornu izvedbu. Razvijen u okviru projekta CSAPE (Prevencija i edukacija o seksualnom zlostavljanju djece) 2022-2024, finansiranog od strane Europskog fonda za unutrašnju sigurnost i uključujući saradnju pet europskih zemalja (Finska, Island, Grčka, Albanija i Bosna i Hercegovina), ovaj paket ima za cilj znatno unparijediti znanja i vještine u oblasti prevencije seksualnog zlostavljanja djece.27/02/20241MB
application/pdfEvidence based sexual education for professionalsThis training package, designed for professionals working with children, is a comprehensive tool aimed at fostering awareness and addressing child sexual abuse. It equips you with the knowledge and skills to discuss body awareness, emotions, boundaries, and consent with children, enhancing their understanding and protection. The package includes five modules: “What do you know about sexual rights?”, “Human body”, “Emotional and Communication Skills”, “Boundaries and consent”, and “Protection of children from sexual abuse”, each divided into three units tailored to specific age groups (5-8 and 9-11 years old). The activities, designed to fit a 45-minute slot in line with school schedules, offer flexibility in implementation order, supported by detailed instructions for effective delivery. Developed under the CSAPE (Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education) 2022-2024 project, funded by the European Internal Security Fund and involving collaboration across five European countries (Finland, Iceland, Greece, Albania, and Bosnia-Herzegovina), this package aims to significantly advance the prevention of child sexual abuse.27/02/20241MB
application/pdfRadna Sveska - Moje putovanje u svijet osjećanjaOva sveska je nastala kao dio Programa za razvoj socio-emocionalnih kompetencija djece. Program promoviše pozitivan razvoj djece, koji se fokusira na nekim od postavki: • Djeca i njihova dobrobit uvijek treba da su na prvom mjestu. • Djeci se mora osigurati sigurnost i bezbjednost, ali i sloboda da aktiv- no učestvuju, istražuju, da se slobodno razvijaju i grade. • Djeca su najdragocjeniji resurs svakog društva - djeca mogu, ukoliko im se pruži podrška da pruže neprocjenjiv doprinos i podršku jedni drugima. • Djeca moraju imati priliku da aktivno učestvuju i donose odluke koje se njih tiču. • Blizak, prihvatajući odnos sa odraslim osobama pruža priliku djeci da se angažuju i da preuzmu odgovornost za svoje učenje, razvoj i život. • Odnosi sa vršnjacima su od ključnog značaja za učenje i vaspitanje – preko tih odnosa djeca uče i razvijaju se • Roditelji/porodica imaju najvažniju ulogu u pružanju podrške koja vodi do dobrobiti, učenja i razvoja djece. 04/07/20231MB
application/pdfWorkbook-My Journey Into the World of EmotionsThis workbook was developed as part of the Programme for Developing Children’s Socio-emotional Competences. The Programme promotes positive child development and focuses on a number of premises: • Children and their welfare should always come first. • Children must be provided with security and safety, as well as the freedom to participate actively, explore and freely develop and grow. • Children are the most valuable resource of any society - with the proper support, they can provide invaluable contributions and support to each other. • Children must have an opportunity to actively participate in decisions that concern them. • A close, accepting relationship with grown-ups gives children the opportunity to engage and take responsibility for their learning, devel- opment and life. • Peer relationships are of crucial importance for learning and growing – it is through these relationships that children learn and develop. • Parents/families have the most important role in providing support to children’s wellbeing, learning and development. 04/07/20231MB
application/pdfProgram for Development of Socio-Emotional CompentenciesThe Programme for Development of Children’s Socio-emotional Competences was created under phase II of the ENVISION – Creating ENabling enVIronment for Social InclusiON of children – project, implemented by Save the Children North West Balkans (SCNWB), via its of- fice in Sarajevo, in partnership with non-governmental organizations “Nova Generacija” Banja Luka, “Otaharin” Bijeljina, “Vermont” Youth Centre Brčko, “Altruist” Association Mostar, Centre for Children’s Rights Podgorica, and “Defendologija” Association Nikšić, as well as centers for social work in Banja Luka, Bihać and Nikšić. The development of the Programme was preceded by an analysis of models, practices and programmes applied in working with children living and/or working on the streets and children at risk in daily centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. The analysis also included a needs assessment for establishing new programmes that would contribute to improving the quality of services being provided by daily centres for more than ten years to highly vulnerable children and their families. 04/07/20231MB
application/pdfGuidelines for Development of Children Soc.Emotional Comp.These Guidelines for Implementing the Programme for Development of Children’s Socio-emo- tional Competences were created as part of support activities implemented by Save the Children as part of the ENVISION – Creating ENabling enVIronment for Social InclusiON of children – project, phase II, in partnership with non-governmental organisations “Nova Gen- eracija” Banja Luka, “Otaharin” Bijeljina, “Vermont” Youth Centre Brčko, “Altruist” Association Mostar, Centre for Children’s Rights Podgorica, and “Defendologija” Association Nikšić, as well as centres for social work in Banja Luka, Bihać and Nikšić. The creation of the Programme for the Development of Children’s Socio-emotional Competences and the Guidelines for Implementing the Programme, as well as the accompanying Training Programme and working materials contributes to improving children’s protection, position and rights in the countries of the region, especially for groups of children growing up in adverse and discouraging conditions due to their socio-economic and family status. The Guidelines for Implementing the Programme for Development of Children’s Socioemotional Competences are intended for a wide range of practitioners working with pre-school and school-aged children, including providers of childcare services in the community, pre- school institutions, schools and other institutions interested in implementing programmes to improve and develop children’s competences. 04/07/20231MB
application/pdfOkvir za modularni program nastavničkih fakultetaOkvir za modularni program nastavničkih fakulteta razvijen je u sklopu Projekta općeg obrazovanje (TABLA), trogodišnjeg projekta kojeg je uz finansijsku podršku Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID) provodio Save the Children u periodu od 2019 - 2022., a koji je imao za cilj jačanje kapaciteta nastavnika za pružanje visokokvalitetnog obrazovanja mladima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Sastoji se od tri osnovna , 13 dodatnih dokumenata i praktičnog priručnika za njegovo korištenje. Okvir za modularni program nastavničkih fakulteta je koncipiran da inkorporira savremene standarde kvalifikacija i zanimanja za nastavnike kao i da pomogne univerzitetskim profesorima i osoblju u procesu modifikacije i poboljšanja programa inicijalne obuke nastavnika. 26/01/202311MB
application/pdfEfikasnija zaštita trudnica i majki među ženama u pokretuAnaliza se bavi zaštitom i podrškom koja je dostupna ženama tražiteljkama azima, izbeglicama i migrantima u Srbiji, u oblastima rada, socijalne sigurnosti i zdravstvene zaštite. Istraživanje na kojem se zasniva analiza je sprovedeno u okviru projekta Children on the Move through the Balkans, sprovedenog uz podršku Save the Children Norway u periodu od januara do decembra 2022. Posebnu podršku sprovođenju istraživanja pružili su Centar za integraciju mladih - CIM i zaposleni u Radnoj jedinici Materinskog doma u Beogradu. 11/10/2022719KB
application/pdfWherever we go, someone does us harm-SummaryIn this report, Save the Children and the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Sarajevo present in-depth research into the level and types of violence that children experience while attempting to reach Western Europe via the Balkans route, the circumstances of that violence, and the policies and practices that exist to support children. They also make recommendations for governments, NGOs and other stakeholders to strengthen the protection and support available to these children.14/09/20222MB
application/pdfGdje god da idemo, čine nam zlo-sažetak izvještajaU ovom izvještaju Centar za migracije i raseljenost na Balkanu, koji radi u okviru kancelarije Save the Children za sjeverozapadni Balkan, i Centar za interdisciplinarne studije Univerziteta u Sarajevu, predstavljaju dubinsko istraživanje o nivou i vrstama nasilja koje djeca doživljavaju prilikom pokušaja da balkanskom rutom dođu do zapadne Evrope, okolnosti tog nasilja, i politike i prakse koje postoje za podršku deci. Izvještaj takođe izlaže preporuke za vlade, nevladine organizacije i druge zainteresovane strane za jačanje zaštite i podrške koja je dostupna djeci.14/09/20222MB
