
application/pdfDostupni i poticajni rani rast i razvojKljuč za razvoj punih potencijala svakog djeteta i sigurnu budućnost - Ova publikacija urađena je u okviru trogodišnjeg projekta ‘Obrazovanje po mjeri djeteta u Tuzlanskom kantonu-Bosna i Hercegovina na putu ka EU’ (2013.-2015.g.). Save the Children za sjeverozapadni Balkan ovaj projekat provodi u strateškom partnerstvu sa Ministarstvom obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta Tuzlanskog kantona i Pedagoškim zavodom Tuzlanskog kantona. 02/03/20161MB
application/pdfEducation for Refugee and Asylum Seeking PupilsThe research “Safe and Enabling Elementary Education Environment for Refugee and Asylum Seeking Pupils” was conducted in order to obtain data and, based on them, define guidelines for improving the inclusion of migrant children in formal elementary education in Serbia and the creation of a safe and enabling school context for their learning and development. The findings and recommendations, outlined in this Summary and presented in detail in the Research Report (also uploaded on this site), are addressed to education policy makers, teachers, donors, as well as other professionals and stakeholders. The research took place within the project “Inclusion of Children and Parents in Refugee and Migration Situations – Assessment of Needs and Support to Parents” implemented by CIP – Center for Interactive Pedagogy and Save the Children pursuant to a Memorandum on Cooperation between Save the Children and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. 24/05/2018522KB
application/pdfEdukacija u cilju prevencije seksualnog zlostavljanja djeceOvaj edukativni paket, namijenjen stručnjacima koji rade s djecom, sveobuhvatan je alat usmjeren na podizanje svijesti i adresiranje problematike seksualnog zlostavljanja djece. Omogućava vam stjecanje znanja i vještina potrebnih za razgovor o svijesti o vlastitom tijelu, emocijama, granicama i pristanku, s djecom, s ciljem proširenja njihovog razumijevanje i zaštite. Paket uključuje pet modula: "Što znate o seksualnim pravima?", "Ljudsko tijelo", "Emocionalne i komunikacijske vještine", "Granice i pristanak" i "Zaštita djece od seksualnog zlostavljanja", svaki podijeljen u tri jedinice prilagođene određenim starosnim grupama (5-8 i 9-11 godina). Aktivnosti, dizajnirane da stanu u 45-minutni termin u skladu s školskim rasporedom, nude fleksibilnost u redoslijedu implementacije, podržane detaljnim uputama za djelotvornu izvedbu. Razvijen u okviru projekta CSAPE (Prevencija i edukacija o seksualnom zlostavljanju djece) 2022-2024, finansiranog od strane Europskog fonda za unutrašnju sigurnost i uključujući saradnju pet europskih zemalja (Finska, Island, Grčka, Albanija i Bosna i Hercegovina), ovaj paket ima za cilj znatno unparijediti znanja i vještine u oblasti prevencije seksualnog zlostavljanja djece.27/02/20241MB
application/pdfEfikasnija zaštita trudnica i majki među ženama u pokretuAnaliza se bavi zaštitom i podrškom koja je dostupna ženama tražiteljkama azima, izbeglicama i migrantima u Srbiji, u oblastima rada, socijalne sigurnosti i zdravstvene zaštite. Istraživanje na kojem se zasniva analiza je sprovedeno u okviru projekta Children on the Move through the Balkans, sprovedenog uz podršku Save the Children Norway u periodu od januara do decembra 2022. Posebnu podršku sprovođenju istraživanja pružili su Centar za integraciju mladih - CIM i zaposleni u Radnoj jedinici Materinskog doma u Beogradu. 11/10/2022719KB
application/pdfEksploatacija djece na internetuSprečavanje eksploatacije djece u JI Evropi Regionalni izvještaj April 2013.14/11/2013950KB
application/pdfEksploatacija djece na internetuSprečavanje eksploatacije djece u JI Evropi Regionalni izvještaj April 2013.14/11/2013950KB
application/pdfEmergency relief for vulnerable flood-affected familiesAfter the 2014 floods that caused extensive damage in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the projects Save the Children implemented was “Emergency relief for vulnerable flood-affected families in Bosnia and Herzegovina” implemented in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The project was implemented in Brčko District and Orašje and Šamac municipalities. A total of 19,580 persons benefited from the project implementation, including 7,255 children. Out of the total number of beneficiaries, 11,758 are internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the past conflict. In this brochure you can find more details about the project and photo stories of beneficiaries.20/04/20151MB
application/pdfEnding newborn deaths In a bid to save millions of newborn lives, Save the Children has called on world leaders to commit in 2014 to a blueprint for change – The Five Point Newborn Promise – which focuses on training and equipping enough skilled health workers to make sure no baby is born without proper help, and removing fees for all pregnancy and birth services.25/02/20143MB
application/pdfEvidence based sexual education for professionalsThis training package, designed for professionals working with children, is a comprehensive tool aimed at fostering awareness and addressing child sexual abuse. It equips you with the knowledge and skills to discuss body awareness, emotions, boundaries, and consent with children, enhancing their understanding and protection. The package includes five modules: “What do you know about sexual rights?”, “Human body”, “Emotional and Communication Skills”, “Boundaries and consent”, and “Protection of children from sexual abuse”, each divided into three units tailored to specific age groups (5-8 and 9-11 years old). The activities, designed to fit a 45-minute slot in line with school schedules, offer flexibility in implementation order, supported by detailed instructions for effective delivery. Developed under the CSAPE (Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education) 2022-2024 project, funded by the European Internal Security Fund and involving collaboration across five European countries (Finland, Iceland, Greece, Albania, and Bosnia-Herzegovina), this package aims to significantly advance the prevention of child sexual abuse.27/02/20241MB
application/pdfFamily support programFamily support program for children living and/or working on the street and children at risk.12/07/2019930KB
