
Thursday 27 February 2020

Poziv na zaštitu izbeglica i migranata izloženih pretnjama i nasilju

Sa sedam nevladinih organizacija sa kojima sarađujemo u pružanju pomoći izbeglicama u Srbiji obratili smo se javnosti povodom zstrašivanja i nasilja u kojima učestvuju pojedinci, neformalne grupe i mediji, a čija su meta izbeglice i migranti.

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Consultant to develop training for Local Media in Tuzla Canton for the project Inclusive4All: Inclusive education for all children in BiH

Terms of Reference for a consultant to develop training session for Local Media in Tuzla Canton, for the project Inclusive4All: Inclusive education for all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project name: Inclusive4All- Inclusive education for all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Donor: Italian Agency for cooperation and development (AICS)

Monday 24 February 2020


“It's important for my children to go to school. Today you have nothing without school. I don't want them to struggle through life like I do. Thanks to the Centre and the school, Marina knows how to read, write and count..."

Monday 10 February 2020

Internet predator targets 9-year old girl from Bosnia and Herzegovina

It is really fun until she gets some disturbing messages. Unknown man sends her an image of male genitals posted on Facebook, with allegedly her comments about it inserted below the picture...

Monday 3 February 2020

Reports about pushbacks and violence against children at the Western Balkans borders in 2019 and 2018

In 2018 and 2019, refugee and migrant children arriving in Serbia reported 3,217 cases of pushbacks across the borders, out of which over 40% (1,321) were violent. Over half of the cases of the pushbacks involved unaccompanied and separated children (2,530).
