
Petak 9 October 2020

Nasilje, glad i nada su glavni razlozi zbog kojih devojčice izbeglice napuštaju svoje domove

Devojčice i njihove porodice koje migriraju sa Bliskog istoka na Balkan kao glavne razloge navode konflikte, rodno zasnovano nasilje, nasilje u porodici i nemogućnost obrazovanja, pokazuje istraživanje.

Četvrtak 17 September 2020

Terms of reference for a consultant for awareness raising campaign on Preventing and Tackling Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks an agency/firm/organization (from now on: the consultant) to produce awareness rising materials and carry out an awareness rising campaign on children’s online safety for children and parents in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Četvrtak 3 September 2020

Terms of Reference for a consultant for the provision of supervisory sessions for Centers for Development of Inclusive practices staff, for the project Inclusive4All: Inclusive education for all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina."

"Terms of Reference for a consultant for the provision of supervisory sessions for Centers for Development of Inclusive practices staff, for the project Inclusive4All: Inclusive education for all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina."


Project name

Inclusive4All- Inclusive education for all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina, code: AID 011522

Srijeda 2 September 2020

Pet godina nakon početka izbegličke krize, više od 200.000 dece izbeglica i migranata bez pratnje prepušteno je neizvesnoj sudbini u Evropi

Pet godina nakon tragične smrti Alana Kurdija, Evropa nije uspela da zaštiti decu izbeglice koja nastavljaju da pristižu.

Ponedeljak 31 August 2020

Terms of Reference for a consultant to develop and implement training sessions for Centers for Development of Inclusive practices staff on the topic of communication, time-management and teamwork, for the project Inclusive4All

"Terms of Reference for a consultant to develop and implement training sessions for Centers for Development of Inclusive practices staff on the topic of communication, time-management and teamwork, for the project Inclusive4All: Inclusive education for all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina."


Project name
