
Srijeda 19 April 2023

TOR for the consultant to co-create project materials by providing thematic Child Sexual Exploatation (CSEA) and Abuse prevention and education expertise and guidance, co-design and implement training for professionals

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks a consultant (from now on: The Consultant) to provide thematic Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA) prevention and education expertise and guidance and to implement online training to educate and empower professionals to recognize early intervention and prevention of sexual violence in working with young people who exhibit sexual interest towards children. The training will be based on materials developed by Save the Children to be used by the professionals working with the youth and the youth themselves (UZRAST). The Consultant will be required to adapt these materials to the local context. The goal is to lower the threshold for a young person to speak openly with a safe professional, opening the possibility to seek help.

Utorak 28 March 2023

Socijalni radnici, čuvari dječjih prava

Svakog marta, obilježava se mjesec socijalnog rada, odaje se priznanje predanosti i empatiji socijalnih radnika koji pružaju usluge djeci i odraslima u potrebi, te se slavi njihov konstantni doprinos društvu. Socijalni radnici pružaju podršku ljudima svih profila u zajednicama, a naročito se ističe angažman i posvećenost prema ostvarivanju prava djece. Socijalni radnici „mobilnog tima“ za prevenciju prosjačenja JU „Kantonalni centar za socijalni rad“ intenzivno rade sa djecom koja su u riziku da postanu žrtve trgovine ljudima, djecom koja se bave prosjačenjem, radom na ulici.

Petak 24 March 2023

TOR for the consultant to co-create a project training manuals and materials, provide thematic Child Sexual Exploitations and Abuse (CSEA) prevention and education expertise and guidance, design and implement trainings for professionals and for children

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks a consultant (from now on: The Consultant) to provide thematic Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA) prevention and education expertise and guidance and to design and implement online trainings for the professionals who work with children on the topics related to: Sexual rights; Right for information, right to be protected against violence and Social and cultural determinants of sexuality
The development and the implementation of this assignment is expected to be completed between March 2023 and November 2024 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Petak 24 March 2023

Terms of Reference for agency, company or organization to implement a communication and advocacy campaign in BiH and Montenegro aimed at raising public awareness related to the importance of Drop-in centers’ (DiC) sustainability and engagement of children

Save the Children in the North West Balkans is looking for an agency, company, organization or individual (hereinafter referred to as "the Agency") to design and execute an informative awareness-raising campaign that targets six Drop-in Centers located in Banjaluka, Bijeljina, Brčko, and Mostar in BiH and Nikšić and Podgorica in Montenegro. The campaign aims to bring public attention to the valuable contributions that these centers make to the well-being of children and communities, as well as the importance of their service provision and sustainability.

Engagement involves the development of a communication campaign design document and its operationalization in form of the implementation plan and implementation of the campaign according to the following guidelines:

• The aim of the campaign is to raise public awareness of the importance of systematic recognition and long-term sustainability of Drop-in centers and to support children to be involved in creating their own content to drive campaign engagement on the local level.

• The main target groups of the campaign are DiC beneficiaries (street-involved children and children at risk), their parents/caregivers, child protection professionals, and decision-makers in the above-mentioned locations.

• The development and implementation of the campaign are expected to be completed between April and December 2023 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.

Utorak 14 March 2023

TOR for the consultant to co-create a project training manuals and materials, provide thematic Child Sexual Exploatation and Abuse (CSEA) prevention and education expertise and guidance, design and implement trainings for professionals and for children

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks a consultant to provide thematic Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA) prevention and education expertise and guidance and to design and implement online trainings for the professionals who work with children on the topics related to: Sexual rights; Right for information, right to be protected against violence and Social and cultural determinants of sexuality
The development and the implementation of this assignment is expected to be completed between March 2023 and November 2024 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
