
Srijeda 8 March 2023

Edukacija u cilju prevencije seksualnog zlostavljanja djece - PROJEKAT CSAPE 2022–2024

Projekat „Edukacija u cilju prevencije seksualnog zlostavljanja djece - CSAPE 2022-2024“ (Child Sexual Abuse, Prevention and Education) kojeg finansira Evropski fond za unutrašnju sigurnost (ISF) a implementira Save the Children u saradnji sa projektnim konzorcijem koji čine Albanija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Island, Grčka i Finska, razvija program edukacije za profesionalce koji rade s djecom različitih uzrasta, koji će se temeljiti na Evropskim standardima za obrazovanje o seksualnosti (WHO 2010). U cilju omišljavanja svrsishodnog programa edukacije, kreirali smo informativne upitnike smatrajući da su za relevantnost sadržaja edukacije neizostavna mišljenja profesionalaca koji rade sa djecom različitih uzrasta. Prikupljeni podaci će se koristiti za razvoj materijala za obuku profesionalaca, kao i za druge eventualne materijale koji će biti razvijeni tokom trajanja projekta, uključujuči i izvještaj o rezultatima istraživanja (pri ćemu će se koristiti princip anonimnosti).

Ponedeljak 6 March 2023

TOR for delivering well-being workshops and create School Well-being Plans with SCI partner schools

This comprehensive and highly responsible professional work is likely to cause exposure to multiple stressors over time, it is imperative that Save the Children prioritize well-being as a core focus of everyday life for all implementing partners. A work environment that provides multiple opportunities for employees to access well-being support, when they need it, in a way that works for them, not only results in a happier and healthier work environment for all, it also means a more productive work environment, and better results for children and their families.
The purpose of this Program component will be providing continuous support to schools in create and implementing School Well-being Plan for staff in their own professional environment.
This individual will be responsible for organizing well-being sessions for school professionals and strengthen their capacities to develop their own School Well-being Plan promote staff well-being, based on SCUS Well-being for Staff Guidance Note and Self-care Manual for parents and children developed by SCiNWB.

Utorak 14 February 2023

Evropa obezbeđuje dostojanstvenu zaštitu milionima iz Ukrajine dok 1 od 50 izbeglica umre ili nestane na mediteranskim rutama

Jedno od 50 dece i odraslih izbeglica koji stižu u Evropu mediteranskim rutama izgube život ili nestanu.

Četvrtak 9 February 2023


Potresni prizori djece spašene u ruševinama svakodnevno pristižu iz Turske i Sirije nakon razornih zemljotresa koji su pogodili obje zemlje. Save the Children koji na terenu pruža pomoć djeci pogođenoj posljedicama zemljotresa, podsjeća da se utrka s vremenom nastavlja i da je neophodno pravovremeno obezbijediti sklonište, medicinsku njegu, vodu i hranu u najteže zahvaćenim područjima. Broj poginulih u zemljotresima premašio je 11.000 s više hiljada povrijeđenih, ali broj žrtava, nažalost nije konačan. Prva 72 sata smatraju se ključnim za spašavanje preživjelih, a naročito djece s obzirom na vremenske uslove i izrazito niske temperature.
Procjenjuje se da su zemljotresi pogodili približno 23 miliona ljudi, među kojima i mnogo djece. Preživjelima u Turskoj i Siriji hitno je potrebna humanitarna pomoć u vodi i hrani, skloništima, zimskoj odjeći i dekama

Četvrtak 2 February 2023

TOR for individual, agency, or organization to produce Guidelines for education workers (school and preschool teachers and educators) for curricular/extracurricular activities related to climate change, waste management, and disaster risk r

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks an individual/agency/company/organization, to produce and deliver Guidelines for education workers (school and preschool teachers and educators) for curricular/extracurricular activities related to the issues of climate change, waste management, and disaster risk reduction.
This document is envisaged as a tool for all educators (in preschools, primary and secondary schools, as well as for all formal and non-formal educators within different NGOs and other organizations) to support them in obtaining needed knowledge, tools, and examples of good practices and other suggestions for working with children in preparing, organizing and facilitating specific workshops as to the abovementioned topics as well as to organize campaigns in local schools, focused on raising awareness in communities on the importance of tackling climate change and recognizing its negative impact, with a specific focus on waste cycle management, air pollution monitoring, and disaster risk reduction.
