
Petak 19 November 2021

Podržimo snage devojčica u pokretu kako bi ostvarile bolju budućnost

Organizacije Save the Children i Atina pokrenule su projekat “Pipi današnjice” kako bi pružile sveobuhvatnu podršku devojčicama i devojkama u pokretu da ostvaruju svoja prava i stvore bolju budućnost za sebe.

Petak 19 November 2021

Terms of references and job description for the consultant for development and implementation of information technology trainings at three target project locations

The purpose and goal of the engagement is to provide consulting support related to the preparation of the Training Program in the field of information technology and the implementation of training, based on the developed program in the use of IT technologies in teaching, at all three locations. It is planned that the consultant will perform the mentioned trainings in all nine schools at all three locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Serbia.

Petak 19 November 2021


Under the overall supervision of the Country Director, and the direct supervision of the Project Coordinator, the successful candidate will conduct an After Action Review (AAR). An AAR is a structured discussion of an intervention that enables a team to consider and reflect on what happened, why it happened, and how to sustain strengths and improve weaknesses. It is commonly a facilitated process involving key actors, who are identified as the focus of learning in a workshop setting. The general principle is to be neutral and objective to ensure that the discussions stay focused on challenges, remains positive and does not evolve into self- justification.

Utorak 26 October 2021

U Bijeljini održana VI godišnja Konferencija socijalnog rada sa međunarodnim učešćem pod nazivom „Unapređenje socijalnog rada, kroz razvoj teorija, metoda i tehnika rada“

Savez udruženja stručnih radnika socijalne djelatnosti iz Republike Srpske u saradnji sa Savezom socijalnih radnika FBiH i Udruženjem stručnih radnika socijalne djelatnosti Brčko Distrikta BiH, kao članicama Saveza socijalnih radnika i drugih stručnih radnika socijalne djelatnosti u BiH i uz podršku UNICEF BiH, OSCE i Save The Children kroz Child Protection Hub projekt su organizirali VI godišnju Кonferenciju socijalnog rada sa međunarodnim učešćem pod nazivom „Unapređenje socijalnog rada, kroz razvoj teorija, metoda i tehnika rada“ u četvrtak, 21.10.2021. u Bijeljini.

Konferencija je organizovana u cilju da se na jednom mjestu pruži prilika relevantnim stručnjacima da podijele različita teorijska i praktična iskustva vezana za sisteme socijalne zaštite kod nas i u okruženju, ono što su dobra sistemska rješenja i ono što se prepoznaje kao nedostatak, što će u konačnici doprinijeti boljem razumijevanju pravaca razvoja entitetskih sistema socijalne zaštite i Brčko Distrikta.

Petak 22 October 2021

ToR for a consultant for refresher training sessions for CRIP staff on the topic of education and rehabilitation procedures in working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

The purpose of this assignment is to provide expert support in the preparation and implementation of specific refresher training on education and rehabilitation procedures in working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the use of Applied Behavioural Analysis in the work with children for professionals working in CDIPs in Tuzla Canton.
The main aim of this training is to educate and build skills of professionals of the CDIPs to work and adequately plan, organize and use ABA techniques in decreasing negative behaviours and building focus of children with disability. The training should be highly practical and applicable in regular work settings of the CDIP.
