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application/pdfBorići Express Save the Children Child Protection Team working in the Temporary Reception Centre Borici, in Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, supported unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children accommodated in the centre to share their stories and experiences through the Borici Express bulletin.26/03/20212MB
application/pdfBoys' Parliaments in refugee centres How children ‘Parliamentary sessions’ lead to improved lives among unaccompanied refugee and migrant children in camps in Bosnia and Herzegovina23/06/20212MB
application/pdfEmergency relief for vulnerable flood-affected familiesAfter the 2014 floods that caused extensive damage in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the projects Save the Children implemented was “Emergency relief for vulnerable flood-affected families in Bosnia and Herzegovina” implemented in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The project was implemented in Brčko District and Orašje and Šamac municipalities. A total of 19,580 persons benefited from the project implementation, including 7,255 children. Out of the total number of beneficiaries, 11,758 are internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the past conflict. In this brochure you can find more details about the project and photo stories of beneficiaries.20/04/20151MB
application/pdfImmediate humanitarian assistance to flood affected familiesDocumentation of project “Immediate humanitarian assistance (NFIs, WASH, Child Protection and Education in Emergencies) to flood affected families in Zenica-Doboj Canton”27/10/20141MB
application/pdfLetak Covid-19Za vrijeme globalne pandemije Korona virusa, ugrožena djeca i porodice u zemljama sjeverozapadnog Balkana – Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori i Srbiji – u posebno su teškoj situaciji. Pored nerazvijene ekonomije, slabih sistema socijalne zaštite i konstantnih političkih tenzije, prava marginaliziranih porodica nisu prioritet ni u redovnim okolnostima. Kako bismo odgovorili na hitne potrebe pomenutih grupa, Save the Children je reprogramirao projektna sredstva za nabavku hrane, higijenskih i proizvoda za bebe, kao i tableta kako bi se djeci omogućilo nesmetano praćenje online nastave. Ukupno smo distribuirali 2167 paketa hrane i higijenskih proizvoda, kao i 255 paketa za bebe. Save the Children je uz pakete pomoći kreirao i letak u kojem se djeci objašnjava šta je Covid-19 i mjere zaštite protiv ovog virusa. 29/10/20205MB
application/pdfNewsletter April 2013Newsletter April 201325/07/20133MB
application/pdfRefugees and migrants at the Western Balkans routeData and Trend Analysis (DATA) Refugees and Migrants at the Western Balkans Route Regional Overview, covering period January-March 2018, describes key trends in migrations in the region, detailing information about the number of people on the move, demography (age, sex, country of origin, etc), behavioral patterns, and routes in use - with a focus on children, particularly unaccompanied children. DATA is a project launched by Save the Children’s Balkan Migration and Displacement Hub (BMDH). The goal of this initiative is to synthesize valuable information on migration, especially on refugee and migrant children, and contribute to evidence-based programming and policy-making within the region. Balkans Migration and Displacement Hub, January – March 2018. 19/06/20184MB
application/pdfSituation for refugee children and needs in BiH - Oct 2020An advocacy briefing details the situation for refugee and migrant children in Bosnia and Herzegovina in October 2020, focusing on the shelter crisis, and outlines key advocacy asks to ensure needed protection for children on the move.25/11/2020377KB