
Tuesday 19 April 2022

Terms of Reference for agency, company or organization to develop and implement a strategic sustainability planning process with partner organisations related to their organizational and financial sustainability with focus on Drop-in centers services

Save the Children in the North West Balkans seeks an agency/company/organization (from now on: the Agency) to plan and implement Sustainability Strategy planning process for six partner organisations related to their organizational and financial sustainability, with particular focus on the drop-in centers services. As a result of this consultancy each partner organization will have developed their own sustainability strategy, including an action plan for its implementation. Engagement involves the development of a plan and methodology for strategic sustainability planning process and its operationalization in a form of the training for six partner organizations, which will be followed with direct support to each of the six partner organizations, including individual workshops, throughout the development of their own Sustainability Strategy documents and action plan(s) as two main deliverables from the engagement. The purpose and main goal of the strategic sustainability planning process is that each partner organization develops their own sustainability strategy and implementation action plan related to systematic recognition and long-term sustainability of Drop-in centers’ services for vulnerable children.

Friday 1 April 2022

Poziv za dostavljanje ponuda / Tender Notice

Za potrebe provođenja programa, Save the Children International za sjeverozapadni Balkan Vas poziva da dostavite svoju ponudu s ciljem sklapanja okvirnog sporazuma za plaćanje gotovinskim transferom u ime SCI NWB.
For the purposes of the program, Save the Children International for the Northwest Balkans invites you to submit your bid with a view to concluding a framework agreement for cash transfer payments on behalf of SCI NWB.

Monday 7 March 2022

‘The children don’t understand what’s happening’: At least 400,000 children fleeing Ukraine at risk of hunger, illness, trafficking, abuse

At least 40% of the people who have fled Ukraine are children, some arriving with nothing but the clothes on their back.

Thursday 10 February 2022

Children left without the necessary protection in environmental laws

The existing environmental legal framework in Serbia, which includes the recently adopted climate legislation fails to account for specificities of children as an especially vulnerable group.

Friday 19 November 2021

Podržimo snage devojčica u pokretu kako bi ostvarile bolju budućnost

Partnerske organizacije Save the Children i Atina pokrenule su projekat “Pipi današnjice” kako bi pružile sveobuhvatnu podršku devojčicama i devojkama u pokretu da stvore bolju budućnost za sebe.
