Child Protection

application/pdfProgram podrške porodiciProgram podrške porodici djece uključene u život i/ili rad na ulici i djece u riziku.12/07/20192MB
application/pdfGuidelines for implementation of the family support programGuidelines for implementation of the family support program for children living and/or working on the street and children at risk.12/07/20194MB
application/pdfFamily support programFamily support program for children living and/or working on the street and children at risk.12/07/2019930KB
application/pdfOperativni priručnik-centri za bezbednost dece na internetuMreža centara za bezbedniji internet je jedan od najefikasnijih mehanizama za stvaranje sigurnijeg i boljeg okruženje za decu i mlade na internetu. Ovaj priručnik analizira rad centara za bezbedniji internet i pruža preporuke za bolju zaštitu dece u Srbiji, ali takođe opisuje širi kontekst u kome deluju linije prijavljivanja i linije za pomoć deci, mapira neke od novih rizika sa kojima bi se deca i mladi mogli susresti u digitalnom okruženju, kao i načine podrške i resurse potrebne za delotvoran odgovor.10/07/20194MB
application/pdfOperational Handbook for Child Online Safety CentresThe network of Safer Internet Centres (SIC) is one of the most effective mechanisms for creating a safer and better environment for children and young people on the Internet. The purpose of this Handbook is to analyse the work of the Safer Internet Centres and offer recommendations for better protection of children in Serbia, but it also includes a wider context in which the children helplines and reporting lines function, maps out some of the new risks that children and young people might encounter in the digital environment, as well as the necessary support and resources needed for effective response.10/07/20192MB
application/pdfRefugees at the W. Balkans Regional Overview Jan.- Mar. 2019Refugees and Migrants at the Western Balkans Route Regional Overview, covering period January - March 2019, describes key trends in migrations in the region, detailing information about the number of people on the move, demography (age, sex, country of origin, etc), behavioral patterns, and routes in use - with a focus on children, particularly unaccompanied children.24/06/20192MB
application/pdfBoxes of Wonder - Program with children on the moveThe manual presens the use Boxes of Wonder, an innovative conceptual framework for structuring the programs of direct work with children on the move. This methodology was developed in the framework of Save the Children's response to the refugee and migrant crisis in Serbia, and published by Balkans Migration and Displacement Hub, working within Save the Children North West Balkans.10/06/20195MB
application/pdfKutije ideja - razvijanje programa sa decom u pokretuPriručnik predstavlja Kutije ideja - inovativnu metodologiju za razvijanje programa direktne podrške za decu u pokretu. Metodologija je razvijena u okviru odgovora organizacije Save the Children na izbegličku i migrantsku krizu u Srbiji, a objavio ju je Centar za migracije i raseljavanje na Balkanu koji radi u okviru Save the Children za severozapadni Balkan. Cilj metodologije je pružanje smislene i celovite psihosocijalne podrške deci u pokretu.10/06/20193MB
application/pdfInstitute of guardianship for UASCThe latest wave of migrations towards Europe brought numerous challenges to all the states that are on the route, including adequate care for unaccompanied and separated children refugees and migrants. This report on Serbian system of support to UASC aims to highlight the existing good practices, identify additional measures that should be examined for the purpose of improvement of the existing model, as well as to open the discussion offering solutions of other countries for some of the institutional and normative challenges which the Republic of Serbia is facing. 08/05/2019763KB
application/pdfInstutut starateljstva za decu bez pratnjePoslednji talas migracija ka Evropi doneo je brojne izazove svim državama koje se nalaze na ruti. Među tim izazovima je i adekvatna briga o deci izbeglicama i migrantima bez pratnje ili deci odvojenoj od roditelja/staratelja. Ambicija ovog izveštaja o sistemu podrške za decu bez pratnje u Srbiji je da podrži postojeće dobre prakse, identifikuje dodatne mere koje treba razmotriti u cilju unapređenja postojećeg modela, kao i da otvori diskusiju nudeći rešenja drugih zemalja za neke od institucionalnih i normativnih izazova sa kojima se suočava Republika Srbija.08/05/2019643KB
