
application/pdfRefugees and migrants at the Western Balkans routeData and Trend Analysis (DATA) Refugees and Migrants at the Western Balkans Route Regional Overview, covering period January-March 2018, describes key trends in migrations in the region, detailing information about the number of people on the move, demography (age, sex, country of origin, etc), behavioral patterns, and routes in use - with a focus on children, particularly unaccompanied children. DATA is a project launched by Save the Children’s Balkan Migration and Displacement Hub (BMDH). The goal of this initiative is to synthesize valuable information on migration, especially on refugee and migrant children, and contribute to evidence-based programming and policy-making within the region. Balkans Migration and Displacement Hub, January – March 2018. 19/06/20184MB
application/pdfSvako dijete, bez izuzetkaGlobalni izvještaj Save the Children-a o djeci koju je svijet izabrao zaboraviti – sažetak.25/04/20164MB
application/pdfMy child speaksLanguage and speech development calendar children 0-717/07/20194MB
application/pdfMali vatrogasci"Mali vatrogasci" je projekat stručnih lica vatrogasnog saveza Kantona Sarajevo. Cilj projekta je upoznavanje i približavanje vatrogasne djelatnosti populaciji djece od prvog do četvrtog razreda osnovne škole. 20/11/20174MB
application/pdf Internet Child ExploitationPrevention of child exploitation in south east Europe Regional Report April 201314/11/20134MB
application/pdfThe Role of Save the Children in cooperation with NHRIsReport from the Save the Children’s Child Rights Governance program staff members meeting, held in Sarajevo in November 2014, with aim to discuss experiences in working with National Human Rights Institutions and lessons learnt in this process.29/01/20154MB
application/pdfLetak za djecu: O korona virusu (sa bojankom)Informativni letak za djecu o korona virusu, šta je, gdje se i kako pojavljuje i kako se zaštititi. 03/04/20204MB
application/pdfRefugees at the W. Balkans Regional Overview Jan.-June 2018Data and Trend Analysis (DATA) Refugees and Migrants at the Western Balkans Route Regional Overview, covering period January - June 2018, describes key trends in migrations in the region, detailing information about the number of people on the move, demography (age, sex, country of origin, etc), behavioral patterns, and routes in use - with a focus on children, particularly unaccompanied children.08/05/20194MB
application/pdfGuidelines for implementation of the family support programGuidelines for implementation of the family support program for children living and/or working on the street and children at risk.12/07/20194MB
application/pdfOperativni priručnik-centri za bezbednost dece na internetuMreža centara za bezbedniji internet je jedan od najefikasnijih mehanizama za stvaranje sigurnijeg i boljeg okruženje za decu i mlade na internetu. Ovaj priručnik analizira rad centara za bezbedniji internet i pruža preporuke za bolju zaštitu dece u Srbiji, ali takođe opisuje širi kontekst u kome deluju linije prijavljivanja i linije za pomoć deci, mapira neke od novih rizika sa kojima bi se deca i mladi mogli susresti u digitalnom okruženju, kao i načine podrške i resurse potrebne za delotvoran odgovor.10/07/20194MB
