
Četvrtak 31 December 2020

Zajedničko saopštenje: Potrebna su hitna rješenja za ublažavanje patnje migranata, izbjeglica i tražilaca azila

Potpisane humanitarne organizacije pozivaju na hitno iznalaženje rješenje za najmanje 900 migranata, izbjeglica i tražilaca azila koji su više od 24 sata držani u teškim humanitarnim uvjetima i neizvjesnosti na lokaciji Lipa. Humanitarne organizacije pozivaju državne, entitetske i lokalne vlasti u Bosni i Hercegovini da se pokrenu s mrtve tačke i pridržavaju principa sadržanih u Međunarodnom pravu o ljudskim pravima, ratifikovanim konvencijama, kao i nacionalnim pravnim okvirima, te obezbijede sigurnost i zaštitu lica koja su izložena riziku.

Subota 26 December 2020

Zajedničko saopštenje o smještaju za izbjeglice, migrante i tražioce azila u Unsko-sanskom kantonu

We call upon the authorities to ensure the immediate safety and protection of those at risk.

Utorak 3 November 2020

“Terms of Reference for a consultant to develop economic cost-benefit analysis relating to the transformation of the 2 special schools in Tuzla into resource centres, for the project Inclusive4All: Inclusive education for all children in Bosnia and Her

Project name Inclusive4All- Inclusive education for all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina, code: AID 011522
Donor Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)
Geographical focus Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tuzla Canton
Project location Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tuzla Canton
Project Duration May 1st 2018 – January 31st 2022
Lead Applicant Save the Children
implementing partners Ministry of Education and Science in Tuzla Canton
Association Vesta
Department of Education Studies “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, University of Bologna (UNIBO)
Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the North-West Balkans and around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children’s unique needs are met, and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.
The expert is expected to develop and finalise an economic cost-benefit analysis, by analysing financial and context-related aspects, and will take into consideration the best interest of children and their families. Aim of the study is to lay solid facts and foundations for the implementation of the transformation process in an environment that is known for being complex and sensitive.
• General responsibility for the activities related to the development of economic cost-benefit analysis;
• Collect documentation and information to define the economic cost-benefit analysis.
• Draw up an analysis of the possible costs relating to the transformation of the 2 Institutes into Centres for Development of Inclusive Practice (CDIPs), indicating both the critical issues and the benefits of this choice.
Expected outputs:
The expert consultant is expected to provide the following:
• Conduct an economic cost-benefit analysis;
• Submit final analysis in Bosnian and a brief report in English.
Timeframe and methodology
In order to complete the above-specified task, the consultant will be engaged from November 24th 2020 to January 28th 2021. The consultant will develop and implement the work plan in consultations and with the support of SCINWB designated staff, in line with the proposed timeframe below.
Qualifications and Specialised Knowledge/Experience Required
A consultant engaged in performing the task should possess the following expertise and skills as a minimum:
• Qualified skills and competencies in the area of in economics, finance, public administration;
• Know inclusion values and principles;
• Know the educational system in the Tuzla Canton and BiH;
• Exceptional organisation, ability to plan, realise and monitor work progress;
• Excellent oral and written communication skills.
The interested applicants should submit their proposals on no later than December 04th 2020, 12:00 h. Only the shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
Detailed Terms of Reference and necessary forms can be downloaded at:
Particular requirement: no person is performing any task on behalf of Save the Children may, in any way, be involved in or connected with abuse or exploitation of children.

Petak 16 October 2020

Terms of Reference (ToR) for the labor market analysis

Terms of Reference (ToR) for the labor market analysis
Project name: ENVISION – Creating ENabling enVIronment for Social InclusiON of children phase II
Objective 1:
To conduct a labor market analysis by market sectors in B&H and identify market gaps and employment opportunities focused on adult caregivers and young people in socially vulnerable families/households.
Objective 2:
With the support of Save the Children, the consultant will conduct a needs assessment, aspiration and employability skill level in socially vulnerable families and youth, with the results forming an integral part of the Market analysis.
Objective 3:
Following the results of the needs and labor market analysis, identify key program components that will serve as guidelines for the development of the Economic Empowerment Program for families and youth.
Estimated Commencement Date: 27th October, 2020
Estimated End Date: 27th November, 2020

Application procedures
Interested candidates should send their applications including documents enclosed on link: to e mail address: no later than October 23rd 2020. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Srijeda 14 October 2020

Pokrenuta web stranica:

Povodom 13. oktobra, Međunarodnog dana smanjenja rizika od katastrofa, organizacija Save the Children je pokrenula web stranicu
