
application/pdfNeprijatne emocije i šta sa njima Brošura „Neprijatne emocije i šta s njima“ čiji autor je sjajna psihologinja i integrativna dječja i adolescentska psihoterapeutkinja pod supervizijom, Miroslava Marjanović, pojašnjava na jednostavan i slikovit način šta su emocije, zašto su nam važne a posebno stavlja akcenat na neugodne emocije. Svaka emocija ima svoju funkciju i omogućava nam da spoznamo sami sebe i svijet oko sebe, a samim tim podižu našu psihološku otpornost na stresne situacije koje izazivaju neugodne emocije. Emocije predstavljaju temelj za razumijevanje različitih socijalnih situacija u kojima se dijete nalazi, ali i za razvoj prilagođenog ponašanja. Njihovo prepoznavanje i razumijevanje neizostavan je dio učenja nošenja s vlastitim osjećajima te odnosima s drugim osobama iz okoline. 18/01/2022556KB
application/pdfBaseline study on children with disabilities in BiHBaseline study on children with disabilities, summary, BiH16/07/2019525KB
application/pdfEducation for Refugee and Asylum Seeking PupilsThe research “Safe and Enabling Elementary Education Environment for Refugee and Asylum Seeking Pupils” was conducted in order to obtain data and, based on them, define guidelines for improving the inclusion of migrant children in formal elementary education in Serbia and the creation of a safe and enabling school context for their learning and development. The findings and recommendations, outlined in this Summary and presented in detail in the Research Report (also uploaded on this site), are addressed to education policy makers, teachers, donors, as well as other professionals and stakeholders. The research took place within the project “Inclusion of Children and Parents in Refugee and Migration Situations – Assessment of Needs and Support to Parents” implemented by CIP – Center for Interactive Pedagogy and Save the Children pursuant to a Memorandum on Cooperation between Save the Children and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. 24/05/2018522KB
