
application/pdfBilten Save the Children-a za sjeverozapadni BalkanApril 2013.14/11/20135MB
application/pdfBorići Express Save the Children Child Protection Team working in the Temporary Reception Centre Borici, in Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, supported unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children accommodated in the centre to share their stories and experiences through the Borici Express bulletin.26/03/20212MB
application/pdfBoxes of Wonder - Program with children on the moveThe manual presens the use Boxes of Wonder, an innovative conceptual framework for structuring the programs of direct work with children on the move. This methodology was developed in the framework of Save the Children's response to the refugee and migrant crisis in Serbia, and published by Balkans Migration and Displacement Hub, working within Save the Children North West Balkans.10/06/20195MB
application/pdfBoys' Parliaments in refugee centres How children ‘Parliamentary sessions’ lead to improved lives among unaccompanied refugee and migrant children in camps in Bosnia and Herzegovina23/06/20212MB
application/pdfBudimo svjesni hazardaPoster koji objašnjava ključne termine iz oblasti zaštite i spašavanja. Kada je rizik od katastrofe veliki?20/11/2017103KB
application/pdfCentri za razvoj inkluzivnih praksi - informacijeCentri za razvoj inkluzivnih praksi u Bihaću i Cazinu pružaju besplatne usluge logopedske, radne i senzorne terapije, psiho-socijalne podrške, rehabilitacionih tretmana za djecu sa tjelesnim teškoćama, edukaciju za nastavno osoblje i stručne saradnike iz škola, kao i usluge mobilnog stručnog tima kao podršku uposlenicima odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova USK-a u njihovom radu sa djecom sa razvojnim teškoćama.21/03/20172MB
application/pdfChild Rights Checklist for decision makersWhich principles you need to consider while taking decisions?14/11/2013210KB
application/pdfChild Rights – Turning Concept Into RealityReport from the Conference on National Human Rights Institutions for Children entitled “Child Rights – Turning concept into reality”, held in Sarajevo on November 3-4. Conference gathered Ombudsmen for children, representatives of Ombudsmen institutions and child rights defenders from Europe, South America, Asia and Africa.29/01/20157MB
application/pdfChildren on the MoveStatus and programmes of support and protection of children on the move in the Republic of Serbia February 201314/11/20134MB
application/pdfChildren on the moveCollection of papers from thematic meeting of the Children’s Right Ombudsperson’s Network in Southeast Europe, Ombudsman for children of the Republic of Croatia in cooperation with Save the Children, February 2014.18/03/20141MB
