
application/pdfInstitute of guardianship for UASCThe latest wave of migrations towards Europe brought numerous challenges to all the states that are on the route, including adequate care for unaccompanied and separated children refugees and migrants. This report on Serbian system of support to UASC aims to highlight the existing good practices, identify additional measures that should be examined for the purpose of improvement of the existing model, as well as to open the discussion offering solutions of other countries for some of the institutional and normative challenges which the Republic of Serbia is facing. 08/05/2019763KB
application/pdfInfographic: Regional Research on street involved childrenKey data showing results of the regional research on prevalence of street children phenomenon in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia was conducted by the Regional Network for Street Involved Children and at Risk Children. Full research report available here:
application/pdfInfografika: Sigurnost na cestamaSave the Children učestvuje u obilježavanju globalne sedmice sigurnosti na cesti u periodu od 23. – 29. aprila. Ove godine, ova sedmica je posvećena sigurnosti pješaka. U Bosni i Hercegovini, Save the Children-a obilježava globalnu sedmicu sigurnosti na cesti u saradnji sa Auto-moto savezom Republike Srpske (AMSRS) i Bosanskohercegovačkim auto-moto klubom (BIHAMK).24/04/2014431KB
application/pdfInfografika: Regionalno istraživanje o djeci ulice Ključni podaci iz izvještaja regionalnog istraživanja o rasprostranjenosti fenomena djece ulice u Albaniji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori i Srbiji. Kompletan izvještaj dostupan je na ovom linku:
application/pdfIndex for InclusionGood practices and lessons learned in the application of the “Index for Inclusion” methodology in elementary schools in Republika Srpska December 201211/11/20131MB
application/pdfIndeks inkluzivnostiNaučene lekcije i dobre prakse u osnovnim školama u Republici Srpskoj Decembar 2012.11/11/20131MB
application/pdfInclusive4All: Inkluzija nije gesta - temeljno ljudsko pravoDjeca s poteškoćama i/ili invaliditetom imaju pravo učiti putem kvalitetnog inkluzivnog obrazovanja i biti uključena u sve aspekte društva. U Bosni i Hercegovini su mnoga djeca s poteškoćama i/ili invaliditetom i njihove porodice isključeni iz obrazovanja i ne dobijaju potrebnu podršku zajednice.Projekat Inclusive4All želi djeci s poteškoćama i/ili invaliditetom omogućiti da razviju svoje potencijale i u potpunosti uživaju u svom pravu na obrazovanje i socijalnu inkluziju.04/12/20201MB
application/pdfInclusive4All - Inclusion is not a gesture it's human rightChildren with disabilities have the right to learn from quality inclusive education and to be included in all aspects of society. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, many children with disabilities and their families are excluded from education and do not receive the needed community support. The project Inclusive4All aims to enable children with disabilities to develop their potentials and fully enjoy their right to education and social inclusion.04/12/20201MB
application/pdfImmediate humanitarian assistance to flood affected familiesDocumentation of project “Immediate humanitarian assistance (NFIs, WASH, Child Protection and Education in Emergencies) to flood affected families in Zenica-Doboj Canton”27/10/20141MB
application/pdfIdentifikacija dokazanih modela podrške za decu u pokretusa preporukama za adaptaciju i primenu u Srbiji 21/04/2016766KB
